International Nature and Culture Photo Contest within the European Year of Cultural Heritage – 2018

Go Wild! Stay Cultured.
International Nature and Culture Photo Contest within the European Year of Cultural Heritage – 2018 Nature and culture can both be on their own a fertile source of inspiration. What happens when they are interlinked? Today, we’re inviting you to join us on this journey of discovery by taking part in our photo contest. Share your photos showing your interpretation of culture and nature connections e.g. how culture is inspired by nature or what natural places have a value for culture. The pictures should be coming from Natura 2000 sites, the largest network of protected areas in Europe.
Raise your voice on the importance of preserving natural habitats, especially for protected animal and plant species.
Deadline: 18 November 2018, CET midnight.
For further information, please have a look at CEEweb for Biodiversity website:
Photo: Penisola del Sinis – Isola di Mal di Ventre, Cabras, Sardaigna, Italy – credit MedSEA