Seminar “Natural and cultural heritage-which ambitions do they share?”, Touraine 22-23 June 2016

Along the banks of the River Loire in France, natural and cultural heritage coexist. The Centre de Ressources Loire nature de la Fédération des Conservatoires d’espaces naturels (FCEN) aims to promote the link between the managers of the Loire basin. Therefore, managers of the natural and the cultural heritage must work together and coordinate their actions. During the seminar, the logic behind the management of the natural and cultural heritage will be explored and it will be explored where the two philosophies meet and where do they conflict.

During the seminar, the “natural heritage” and “cultural heritage will be put into perspective and answers to the following questions will be sought: what are the historical management trajectories? What is the relationship between nature and culture? How nature and culture become a heritage and what are the consequences?
These approaches will then be showcased through examples portraying convergences and divergences in the management of natural and cultural heritage, in theory and in practice. The managers of the natural and cultural heritage will find the opportunity to make meaningful exchanges, will stimulate debate and foster the emergence of common solutions.

The seminar will take place in Touraine on 22-23 June 2016. You may download the seminar programme (Programme_seminaire_Nature-Culture_Loir) and the registration form (Bulletin_inscription_Loir) .